What is your adventure?
I see my life as an adventure.
The destination? I don’t know, I don’t even really care.
Not because it’s not important, but because I know that the adventure is the reward, it is the reason I am here and I want to make the most of each and every day.
As a young child, I dreamed of travelling around the world and visiting places no one has ever been before. I dreamed about climbing Everest and going to the bottom of the ocean, I dreamed about walking Death Valley and fighting through the Amazon rainforest. But I have now realised that the biggest adventure of my life has already begun.
“Mountain top experience” – a phrase we hear all the time, but when you climb a mountain that is exactly what you get. The view is stunning, you’re on top of the world, it is quiet and awe-inspiring. But after being at the top for a short period of time you have to go back down, it wouldn’t be safe to stay at the top and you certainly cannot live that high up, so like the other things I dreamed of as a child, they come to an end.
The adventure I have found surpasses all others, it is an adventure that will last my entire life, it is an adventure that will change and mould me and will continue to make me more and more into the person I was made to be, right until the day I die.
The adventure of following Jesus.
This adventure is the reward.
For the last couple of years, I have had the privilege of travelling to some of the most beautiful places in the world, met some truly incredible people and learned so much about myself. It has been such a blessing and I have had some of the best days of my life.
But I know there is more
The journey isn’t over
The adventure isn’t complete
As good as these days have been, I know that there is a better place for me.
There is more for me to learn and understand. There are more incredible places to visit. But I also know the reason why I am here.
The whole point
The main deal
But you know what is incredible, Jesus is already part of my every day. He has a starring role in everything I do, he is the reward but he is also the adventure. What could be better than that?
The adventure we go on isn’t just about the mountain tops, it is about the valleys as well. It is about the hard times as well as the good. I have been on a number of adventures with different people and the final destination has rarely been the highlight of the journey. Recently, while driving with some friends to a weekend away as part of the Discipleship Year, we encountered a lot of snow on top of the bigger hills. In that moment, we didn’t enjoy it all, having near misses with a number of cars and nearly getting stuck a few times. But guess what we spoke about most when we got back? The epic adventure through the snow.
Isn’t that a lot like the journey with Jesus. We might be struggling, nearly crashing 24/7 and getting stuck every now and then, but God is with us through it all and when all is said and done, it is those moments that we remember most.
We need to embrace the process because through the ups and downs of life we will be stronger and we will grow if we keep on this adventure we call life.
I got given a camping cup a little while ago with the words “The adventure begins” on it. I drink coffee out of it each morning as I read my bible and pray, and it reminds me that there is more to come. It reminds me that today is a new day. It reminds me to embrace both the highs and the lows. But each morning it reminds of the reason I began this adventure, the person I signed up to follow, and the one who makes this all possible.
The whole point.
Today I begin again.
I chose to adventure.
I chose to explore.
Make your life into the adventure it was designed to be.
Whether you write books, build houses, coach sport, paint pictures, fight for justice, write laws, teach maths, collect rent, design buildings, clean offices, cook food, run a bank or lead expeditions into the wilderness, you’re on an adventure when Jesus is your guide.
It is your adventure.
It is your reward.
Invite Jesus.
It will be the best thing you ever do.